Dear Customers,
According to the instructions announced by the Greek Authorities regarding the prevention of the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, we inform you for the following steps that passengers should follow before embarkation:
1) According to Article 1 published in Government Gazette 2602/B28.06.2020, all travelers entering Greece, regardless of nationality, must fill and submit on a period of forty eight (48) to seventy two (72) hours before their arrival in Greek Ports the electronic Passenger Locator Form, which is available on the following link:
Kindly note that it is mandatory to show a printed or electronic copy of the Passenger Locator Form to staff of the General Secretariat for Civil Protection and the National Agency for Public Health.
2) Also note, all passengers traveling to and from Greece must fill the "Pre - Boarding Passenger Locator Form" and hand it over during embarkation to Chief Purser of the vessel.
Important Notice:
Boarding will not be permitted to passengers who have failed to submit the above mentioned two steps.
Pre-boarding passenger locator form